Pavel Ulč
Cybersecurity Product Owner Drives
Cybersecurity Product Owner Drives
Jan 2022 - present

Mercedes Benz Parts Logistics Eastern Europe
Information Security Architect for Automation
Aug 2020 - Dec 2021

I was checking system architecture and system design for existing information threats and consulted security during planning phase of new systems and modifictions of existing priduction systems.

Full Stack Developer
Oct 2019 - Apr 2020

I developed an application in ASP.NET MVC for optimization of internal processes. I worked independently and discussed the whole developmnet process with internal stakeholders.

Sparkassse Rating und Risikosysteme
Application Developer
April 2018 - Aug 2018

I was an intern in a Data Management team. I was translating code from SQL to C# and intergrated it in Visual Studio. I was writing UnitTests and was taking care of databases in SQL Server. I gained an understanding of ETL processes and data management tools.

CSR International
Sep 2015 - Aug 2017

I took care of social media, processed customer complains and supported travel agencies.

HTW Berlin
B. Sc, Computer Science
Sep 2015 - Jun 2020

I studied the International Media and Computing programm and graduated with the thesis: Translator for an Online Chat System. The main courses I undertook were Informatics in Java (algorithms, funct. class design), Web Programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), Computer Systems, Networks, Cryptography, Digital Media (Image Processing in Java), Database Systems (SQL), Math, Usability (Analysis, Research Methods, UCD), Software Engineering (Documentation, Processes), Computer Graphics (Open GL), Game Engines, Advanced. Game Programming, Economics of Media, Media Theory, and Law in Media.

As my Bachelor's Thesis, I developed an automatic translator for the Mattermost app. You can read it here.

Technical Skills




I acquired a knowledge of C# from my internship and from my development in ASP.NET. I also tried some game development in Unity. Java was the language I was using at the university for most of the classes. I gain an understanding of JavaScript for a university project and also did some frontend development at work. I have no problem using git and working in an agile environment.

I had fun doing some game development in Unity and Unreal, probably not worth mentioning. I became proficient in SQL and I have experience with the SQL server. My programming skills are still lacking but I am still at the beginning and I am a quick learner.


Drawing icon by Icons8. Adapted from Andre Madarang's CV template. Skillbars adapted from Codepen by Camila Cerrera.