This is my very first post on this new blog!

You are wondering (nobody reads this so nobody is wondering) why I am creating a website.

There are several reasons: The biggest is probably attention-seeking. I am also, in fact, looking for a job. And I thought having a resume and some projects to showcase would help me so I used it as a pretext.

But I guess mainly I just need attention (don’t we all?). Although, there are thoughts I would like to express and refer to when discussing. Also, I am writing this for myself (an online diary sort of) which is supposed be generally beneficial and therapeutic. And I would like to enhance my English skills as well.

I didn’t want to post anything more on Facebook or similar social media. I deactivated the account and I will delete it eventually. Currently, I am just too lazy to download all the pictures. Facebook and other social media are probably bad. There are enough studies that indicate the bad influence it has on the users; especially on people like me who are prone to addictions. Then it should be a no brainer. You can find a nice summary in this article from BBC.

I hate Instagram mostly due to my experience with its active users. It is also an hyper attention-seeking website. I hate all the fakeness it includes and how people desperately try to present themselves in the best light possible. I also have enough experience with people destroying nice moments with making videos/taking pictures in order to create Instagram-ready content. I guess I would like to write an article about it separately as it bothers me more than it should. I also dislike Twitter due to its limits regarding tweet size.

Having a website does not make me any better in terms of attention-seeking and online validation. However, I feel I am not contributing to Facebook’s data collecting and its mistreating and I have all the power to express myself in articles instead of pictures and videos.

As a strong introvert, I can express myself much better with writing instead of speaking. (not sure if it’s an introvert personality treat or just my treat). Anyways, here it is, my blog.

I used to write a blog in my most depressiing stage of life. It might have helped a little. Possibly I will share some articles from there. However, I believe they need strong revision as I usually wrote them overly drunk and I didn’t have good time them.

I expect myself to stop writing very soon but we will see if I can keep it up.

a picture